Serialize Examples ================== Simple Serialization With "Groups" ---------------------------------- If you want to filter some sensible data in some scenarios, you can define `groups` per each attribute to control what is serialize and what is not .. code-block:: python from ajson import AJson, ASerializer @AJson() class Restaurant: location:str # @aj(groups="['public','admin']") tables: int # @aj(groups="['public','admin']") owner: str # @aj(groups="['admin']") def __init__(self, location, tables, owner): self.location = location self.tables = tables self.owner = owner serializer = ASerializer() restaurant = Restaurant("Manhattan", 30, "John Smith") print(serializer.serialize(restaurant, groups=["public"])) # {"location": "Manhattan", "tables": 30} print(serializer.serialize(restaurant, groups=["admin"])) # {"location": "Manhattan", "tables": 30, "owner": "John Smith"} Rename Attributes With "Name" ----------------------------- .. code-block:: python from ajson import AJson from ajson.aserializer import ASerializer @AJson() class Customer: name: str # @aj(name=firstName) primary_email: str # @aj(name=email) last_name: str # @aj(name=lastName) serializer = ASerializer() customer = Customer() = "John" customer.last_name = "Smith" customer.primary_email = "" print(serializer.serialize(customer)) # {"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "email": ""} Nested Objects With Groups And Names ------------------------------------ .. code-block:: python from typing import List from ajson import AJson, ASerializer @AJson() class Customer: name: str # @aj(name=firstName, groups="['public']") primary_email: str ''' You can also add the annotation in a multiline docstr @aj( name=email, groups="['public']" ) ''' def __init__(self, name, primary_email): = name self.primary_email = primary_email @AJson() class Restaurant: location: str # @aj(groups="['public','admin']") owner: str # @aj(groups="['admin']") customer_list: List[Customer] # @aj(groups="['with_customers']" name=customers) def __init__(self): self.location = None self.owner = "John Smith" self.customer_list = [ Customer("Dani", ""), Customer("Mike", "") ] serializer = ASerializer() restaurant = Restaurant() print(serializer.serialize(restaurant, groups=["public"])) # '{"location": null}' # if you want to get the dictionary instead of a string, you can call `to_dict` instead of `serialize` print(serializer.to_dict(restaurant, groups=["public", "with_customers"])) ''' { "location": None, "customers": [ {"firstName": "Dani", "email": ""}, {"firstName": "Mike", "email": ""} ] } ''' With properties -------------------- .. code-block:: python from ajson import AJson from ajson.aserializer import ASerializer @AJson() class Customer: name: str # @aj(name=firstName) last_name: str # @aj(name=lastName) @property def full_name(self): """ @aj(name=fullName) """ return f'{} {self.last_name}' serializer = ASerializer() customer = Customer() = "John" customer.last_name = "Smith" print(serializer.serialize(customer)) # {"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "fullName": "John Smith"} Inherited aj attributes ----------------------- .. code-block:: python @AJson() class Customer: name: str = "John Smith" # @aj(name=firstName) primary_email: str = "" # @aj(name=email) @AJson() class VIPCustomer(Customer): name: str = # @aj(name="VIP Name") overwriting the name of the attribute vip_since: datetime = datetime(year=2000, month=10, day=3) # @aj(name="VIP Since") vip_customer = VIPCustomer() serializer = ASerializer() print(serializer.serialize(vip_customer)) # {"VIP Name": "John Smith", "email": "", "VIP Since": "2000-10-03T00:00:00.000000"} Unserialize Examples ==================== Unserialization With Custom Names --------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from ajson import AJson, ASerializer @AJson() class Customer: name: str # @aj(name=firstName) primary_email: str # @aj(name=email) last_name: str # @aj(name=lastName) serializer = ASerializer() serialize_str = '{"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "email": ""}' customer = serializer.unserialize(serialize_str, Customer) print( # "John" print(customer.last_name) # "Smith" print(customer.primary_email) # "" Nested Objects -------------- .. code-block:: python from typing import List from ajson import AJson, ASerializer @AJson() class Customer: def __init__(self): # we can also create the @aj annotation in the attribute's definition = None # @aj(name=firstName) self.primary_email = None # @aj(name=email) @AJson() class Restaurant: customer_list: List[Customer] # if we want to have nested objects, we need to define the types with the annotations ''' @aj(name=customers) we can create the @aj annotation in the attribute's definition ''' owner: str location: str def __init__(self): self.location = None self.owner = "John Smith" self.customer_list = [] restaurant_str = ''' { "location": "Spain", "customers": [ {"firstName": "Dani", "email": ""}, {"firstName": "Mike", "email": ""} ] } ''' serializer = ASerializer() restaurant = serializer.unserialize(restaurant_str, Restaurant) print(restaurant.owner) # "John Smith" print(restaurant.customer_list[0].name) # "Dani" Validate Json (required params) ------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from ajson import AJson, ASerializer @AJson() class Customer: name: str # @aj(name=firstName required) primary_email: str # @aj(name=email required) last_name: str # @aj(name=lastName) serializer = ASerializer() serialize_str = '{"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "email": ""}' customer = serializer.unserialize(serialize_str, Customer) # it si successfully constructed as all the required attributes are provided serialize_str = '{"lastName": "Smith", "email": ""}' customer = serializer.unserialize(serialize_str, Customer) # AJsonEmptyRequiredAttributeError is raised as `firstName` is not provided serialize_str = '{"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "email": null}' customer = serializer.unserialize(serialize_str, Customer) # AJsonEmptyRequiredAttributeError is raised even if the value of the required attribute is null Validate Json (param types) ------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from ajson import AJson, ASerializer @AJson() class Customer: name: str # @aj(name=firstName) primary_email: str # @aj(name=email) last_name: str # @aj(name=lastName) serializer = ASerializer() serialize_str = '{"firstName": 2, "lastName": "Smith", "email": ""}' customer = serializer.unserialize(serialize_str, Customer) # AJsonValidationError is raised as `firstName` is not a string