Source code for ajson.aserializer

import collections
import json
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NewType, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union

from ajson.json_type_reports import ISO_FORMAT, JsonTypeReports, _AttrReport, _TypeReport

Groups = NewType('Groups', Optional[List[str]])
Handler = NewType('Handler', Callable[[Any, Groups, _AttrReport], Any])

[docs]class ASerializer: """ Serialize and unserialize objects """ max_depth: int """ Defines how many nested objects should be serialized. If the object reaches to this point, the result will be replaced by "..." >>> serializer = ASerializer(max_depth=2) >>> nested_dict = {"d1": {"d2": {"d3": "value deep inside"}}} >>> serializer.serialize(nested_dict) "{"d1": {"d2": "..." }}" """ def __init__(self, max_depth=15): self.max_depth: int = max_depth self._handlers: Dict[Type, Handler] = {}
[docs] def add_serialize_handler(self, _type: Type, handler: Handler): """ Adds a handler for a specific type to modify the way it should be serialize >>> serializer = ASerializer() >>> serializer.add_serialize_handler(int, lambda obj, *args: obj if obj > 0 else 0) # negative ints return 0 >>> serializer.serialize(5) '5' >>> serializer.serialize(-6) '0' """ self._handlers[_type] = handler
[docs] def serialize(self, obj, groups: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> str: """ Creates a json string from the obj :param obj: Object to be serialize :param groups: list of groups that determines what attributes should be serialize >>> from ajson import AJson >>> serializer = ASerializer() >>> @AJson() ... class House: ... rooms_num: int # @aj(groups='["public", "owner"]') ... square_meters: int # @aj(groups='["owner"]') ... def __init__(self, rooms_num, square_meters): ... self.rooms_num = rooms_num ... self.square_meters = square_meters >>> serializer.serialize(House(3, 100), groups=['public']) '{"room_num": 3}' >>> serializer.serialize(House(3, 100), groups=['owner']) '{"room_num": 3, "square_meters": 100}' """ return json.dumps(self._to_dict_recursive(obj, groups, 0))
[docs] def to_dict(self, obj, groups: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], List]: """ Same as serialize, but it creates a serializable dict instead of a str :param obj: Object to be serialize :param groups: list of groups that determines what attributes should be serialize >>> from ajson import AJson >>> serializer = ASerializer() >>> @AJson() ... class Car: ... max_speed: float # @aj(groups='["basic", "detailed"]') ... brand: str # @aj(groups='["detailed"]') ... def __init__(self, max_speed, brand): ... self.max_speed = max_speed ... self.brand = brand >>> serializer.to_dict(Car(140, 'ford'), groups=['basic']) {"max_speed": 140} >>> serializer.to_dict(Car(140, 'ford'), groups=['detailed']) {"max_speed": 140, "brand": 7} """ return self._to_dict_recursive(obj, groups, 0)
def _to_dict_recursive(self, obj, groups: Optional[List[str]] = None, depth=0, attr_report: _AttrReport = None): depth += 1 if depth > self.max_depth: return '...' for class_ in self._handlers: if isinstance(obj, class_): return self._handlers[class_](obj, groups, attr_report) if obj is None: return None elif isinstance(obj, (int, str, float)): return obj elif isinstance(obj, datetime): return self.__datetime_handler(obj, attr_report) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)): return self.__list_handler(obj, groups, depth) elif isinstance(obj, dict): return self.__dict_handler(obj, groups, depth) else: return self.__object_handler(obj, groups, depth) def __list_handler(self, obj: list, groups: Optional[List[str]], depth: int): serialized_list = [] obj = list(obj) for item in obj: serialized_list.append(self._to_dict_recursive(item, groups=groups, depth=depth)) return serialized_list def __dict_handler(self, obj: dict, groups: Optional[List[str]], depth, class_report: Optional[_TypeReport] = None ): serialized_dict = {} for key, value in obj.items(): # we don't want to serialize private attributes if we don't have a class report if class_report is not None or not str(key).startswith('_'): if class_report is None: attr_report = None else: attr_report = class_report.get(key) key = serialized_dict[key] = self._to_dict_recursive(value, groups, depth, attr_report) return serialized_dict def __datetime_handler(self, obj: datetime, attr_report: Optional[_AttrReport] = None) -> str: if attr_report is None: return obj.isoformat() return obj.strftime(attr_report.datetime_format) def __object_handler(self, obj: object, groups: Optional[List[str]], depth): class_report = JsonTypeReports().reports.get(obj.__class__, None) if class_report is None: attributes = {key: value for key, value in obj.__dict__.items() if not isinstance(value, collections.Callable) and not 'key'.startswith('_')} return self.__dict_handler(attributes, groups, depth) attributes_to_serialize = class_report.get_attribute_names(groups) if attributes_to_serialize is None: attributes_to_serialize = (k for k in (*obj.__dict__.keys(), *obj.__class__.__dict__.keys()) if not k.startswith('_')) attributes = {key: getattr(obj, key) for key in attributes_to_serialize} return self.__dict_handler(attributes, groups, depth, class_report)
[docs] def unserialize(self, json_str: str, _type: Optional[Type] = None, *init_args_array, **init_kargs) -> Any: """ Creates an object with the type `_type` from a string groups will be ignored for unserialization :param json_str: string to be transformed into an object :param _type: Resulting type of the object to construct :param init_args_array: construct args list to initialize the object with type `_type` :param init_kargs: construct args to initialize the object with type `_type` >>> from ajson import AJson >>> serializer = ASerializer() >>> @AJson() ... class House: ... rooms_num: int # @aj() ... square_meters: int # @aj() >>> house: House = serializer.unserialize('{"rooms_num": 1, "square_meters":50}', House) >>> house.rooms_num 1 >>> house.square_meters 50 """ return self.from_dict(json.loads(json_str), _type, *init_args_array, **init_kargs)
[docs] def from_dict(self, dict_obj: Any, _type: Optional[Type] = None, *init_args_array, **init_kargs) -> Any: """ Creates an object with the type `_type` from a dictionary groups will be ignored for unserialization :param dict_obj: dict to be transformed into an object :param _type: Resulting type of the object to construct :param init_args_array: construct args list to initialize the object with type `_type` :param init_kargs: construct args to initialize the object with type `_type` >>> from ajson import AJson >>> serializer = ASerializer() >>> @AJson() ... class Car: ... max_speed: float # @aj(') ... brand: str # @aj() >>> car: Car = serializer.from_dict({'max_speed': 100, 'brand': 'Jeep'}, Car) >>> car.max_speed 100 >>> car.brand 'Jeep' """ return self._from_dict_recursive(dict_obj, _type, *init_args_array, **init_kargs)
def _from_dict_recursive(self, dict_obj: Any, _type: Optional[Type] = None, attr_report: _AttrReport = None, *init_args_array, **init_kargs) -> Any: if isinstance(dict_obj, (list, tuple, set)): return self._unserialize_list(_type, dict_obj, init_args_array, init_kargs) elif isinstance(dict_obj, dict): return self._unserialize_obj(_type, dict_obj, init_args_array, init_kargs) elif isinstance(dict_obj, str): return self._unserialize_str_or_date(attr_report, dict_obj) return dict_obj def _unserialize_obj(self, _type: Optional[Type], dict_obj: Any, init_args_array, init_kargs): type_report = JsonTypeReports().reports.get(_type, None) if type_report is None or _type is None: return {k: self._from_dict_recursive(v) for k, v in dict_obj.items()} result_obj = _type(*init_args_array, **init_kargs) for key, value in dict_obj.items(): try: attr_report = type_report.get_by_serialize_name_or_default(key) except StopIteration: # do nothing if report is not found continue result_dict = self._from_dict_recursive(value, _type=attr_report.hint, attr_report=attr_report) if hasattr(result_obj, attr_report.attribute_name) or attr_report.hint is not None: setattr(result_obj, attr_report.attribute_name, result_dict) type_report.validate_instance(result_obj) return result_obj def _unserialize_str_or_date(self, attr_report: _AttrReport, dict_obj: Any) -> Any: # check if it is a date time if attr_report is not None: datetime_format = attr_report.datetime_format else: datetime_format = ISO_FORMAT try: return datetime.strptime(dict_obj, datetime_format) except ValueError: return dict_obj def _unserialize_list(self, _type: Optional[Type], dict_obj: Any, init_args_array, init_kargs) -> Any: if _type is None: return [self._from_dict_recursive(item, _type, *init_args_array, **init_kargs) for item in dict_obj] list_type = None if _type is not None and getattr(_type, '__args__', None) is not None and len(_type.__args__) > 0: list_type = _type.__args__[0] if issubclass(_type, List): return [self._from_dict_recursive(item, list_type, *init_args_array, **init_kargs) for item in dict_obj] elif issubclass(_type, Set): return {self._from_dict_recursive(item, list_type, *init_args_array, **init_kargs) for item in dict_obj} elif issubclass(_type, Tuple): return (self._from_dict_recursive(item, list_type, *init_args_array, **init_kargs) for item in dict_obj) else: return [self._from_dict_recursive(item, _type, *init_args_array, **init_kargs) for item in dict_obj]