Welcome to AJson’s documentation!

How to install it:

$ pip install ajson


AJson is a json serializer based on annotations, where you can easily control which and how class attributes should be serialized.

from ajson import AJson
from ajson.aserializer import ASerializer

class Restaurant:
    location:str   # @aj(groups=["public", "admin"])
    tables: int  # @aj(groups=["public", "admin"])
    owner: str  # @aj(groups=["admin"], name=owner_name)
    def __init__(self, location, tables, owner):
        self.location = location
        self.tables = tables
        self.owner = owner

serializer = ASerializer()
restaurant = Restaurant("Manhattan", 30, "John Smith")
print(serializer.serialize(restaurant, groups=["public"]))
# {"location": "Manhattan", "tables": 30}
print(serializer.serialize(restaurant, groups=["admin"]))
#  {"location": "Manhattan", "tables": 30, "owner_name": "John Smith"}

Or unserialize.

from ajson import AJson
from ajson.aserializer import ASerializer

class Customer:
    name: str  # @aj(name=firstName)
    last_name: str  # @aj(name=lastName)

serializer = ASerializer()
serialize_str = '{"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith"}'
customer = ASerializer().unserialize(serialize_str, Customer)
print(customer.name)  # "John"
print(customer.last_name)  # "Smith"

# Validate jsons
# Not passing the required attribute "name
serialize_str = '{"lastName": "Smith"}'
customer = ASerializer().unserialize(serialize_str, Customer)
# this will raise a `AJsonEmptyRequiredAttributeError` Exception

Indices and tables